

Hi! Thank you to all of you who were able to do online interviews with me over the past few days. As I mentioned to you, myself and Angela will be coming to Taiwan for the Chinese New Year. As a small token of my appreciation I would like to treat you all to a dinner next week. I arrive this Saturday, and because of the Chinese New Year next week is probably best (I expect the week after next many of you will be away...). Possible dates are: Tuesday 1/20 (evening) or Wednesday 1/21 (evening)

If you would like to come, please let me know which is your preferred date and I will then confirm the date (and venue) when most of us can make it.





使用AI輔助進行文獻探討:操作步驟 一般而言,研究生從事研究的第一步就是了解研究的主題,並找到研究議題,或是稱為研究缺口,英文稱為inquiry。那麼究竟要找多少文獻才能找到所謂的文獻缺口,也就是研究議題呢?每個研究者對於自己的研究議題要求度和敏感度都不同,特別是生手和熟手對於辨...