Before reviewing an article, a paper will be scanned or quickly browsed to determine if it be worthy of a review. To do that, Dr. Jonathan Foster taught the students how to judge a paper from the basic structure, title, abstract, introduction, literature review, methods, findings, discussion, and conclusion. He asked the students to exercise the checking points to a real paper that he carefully selected, a research paper published in Information Research 2007 by a local researcher, Professor Yeh whose research is about culture and Aborigines' information behavior.
The model paper is carefully selected: (1) the context is local, (2) publishing date is current, and (3) it is easy access from a prestigious and open access journal.
Jonathan's checking list is simple and easy. My criteria for evaluating a research paper counts on three major elements of a research paper -- justified inquiry, proper methodology, and legitimate results. That makes a checking of :( 1) good research questions? (2) Methods? (3) Results? (4) Methods answer the research questions? (5) Results based on empirical methods? And (6) results answered the research questions. My list of judging criteria is of more logical processing, and Dr. Foster's list is more practical and easy to apply.
The students with their first exercise seem to be confusing. Like the first RM assignment I had in graduate school while professor O'Connor asked the students to find an empirical paper on the shelf of the library and to find out two critical errors or failed (thrilled -- how can it be possible that a peer reviewed paper's errors can be identified by an entry level graduate student... ). But it worked. An attitude of critical reading of research paper, the foundation for a researcher is in formed. I hope the young students are willing to be self-trained to form a keen eye for finding quality research papers.
Reading a colleague's fine work and discussed it is very helpful. Professor Yeh's article is viewed with valuable merits: clear title, systematic and clear abstract, well written introduction in a type of context review as well as theoretical review, very good writer. Yet, the method session is expected to describe more about research instruments, such as interview questions. And the results session is expected to be presented in a categorical code scheme. Overall, it is a legitimate good group exercise in class. I understand that it takes more practice for the students to appreciate the selection of literature. More practice is needed, maybe three more practices, but the class is running out of time.
The students are still suffering from difficulties in understanding and expressing in English. But have you got the points how to select good empirical papers now?
作業 1 -- 學習如何選擇好文獻 -- 參考Dr. Foster的表格,再找三篇文章找老師和同學一起閱讀, 就會更能熟能生巧。
張貼留言 (Atom)
使用AI輔助進行文獻探討:操作步驟 一般而言,研究生從事研究的第一步就是了解研究的主題,並找到研究議題,或是稱為研究缺口,英文稱為inquiry。那麼究竟要找多少文獻才能找到所謂的文獻缺口,也就是研究議題呢?每個研究者對於自己的研究議題要求度和敏感度都不同,特別是生手和熟手對於辨...

這樣也算實驗研究嗎? 本週的課程重點是實驗研究法。一開始美美老師再次提醒大家研究生應該如何記筆記。老師建議,寫大量內容的筆記時可以線性的方式記錄,也就是依事件的先後順序撰寫;但如果是範圍較小或是想要了解事件的輪廓或全貌時,可以用樹狀圖的筆記方式,搭配如FreeMind的方式呈現出...
(一) 課堂活動內容 1. 暖身練習:閱讀實驗研究法的摘要,將懂與不懂的概念分成兩組。 懂的概念:實驗組、控制組 不懂的概念:不等組前後測設計、獨立樣本 單因子共變數分析 、共變數、等組後測準實驗研究 2. 實驗研究的概念與內涵 3. 小組實驗設計練習:選一篇摘要畫出其實驗研究架...
Week 12 非反應式研究 非反應式研究又可稱作非侵擾姓測量或是非介入姓測量,亦即被研究的對象不知道自己被研究。而非反應式研究的類型有下列幾種,並說明如下: 1.非反應式觀察 亦即不干擾被試者的觀察,觀察的類型可分為下列三種: 物理證據:如觀察物品的損壞程度 簡...